First Impressions - Heavy Play TCG Accessories

Welcome to a new feature here at The Late Night Players that we are affectionally calling First Impressions. In these segments, one of us will be presented with a new product that we are completely unaware of and be tasked with giving our unbiased and brutal opinions.

Today’s inaugural episode is brought to us by the folks at Heavy Play. The company is rather new on the scene and make some interesting products that are centered around their Equipmag Modular System. We brought in Rob (of Horror Movie Whores fame) to give us his first impressions of the range.

It should be noted that Heavy Play were kind enough to send us this sample package of their line for our review. They even set up an affiliate link ( for our readers to save 10% off their entire first order. While we vastly appreciate things like this and being able to pass it along to our readers, we do not let it influence our reviews or opinions. Rob’s reaction and blunt honesty in the video below will attest to that.


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