Special Announcement - Miniatures Of The Multiverse: Season 2

Time to head into the multiverse once again! We at The Late Night Players are beyond thrilled to announce Miniatures of the Multiverse: Season 2!

We have been trying to get things moving and shifted around behind the scenes to work with some of the best game publishers and miniature designers to make this year bigger than the last. While we aren’t ready to share too many details, we do have one special announcement - the official paint partner of Miniatures of the Multiverse: Season 2 will be Two Thin Coats from Trans Atlantis Games and Duncan Rhodes!


They were kind enough to send out their range of Wave 2 paints for Two Thin Coats and we are beyond thrilled. We will be using the range in all of our painting tutorials and guides through out the season, so look forward to seeing that.

Keep your eyes peeled for any content labeled Miniatures of the Multiverse or the M.o.t.M logo in the upcoming weeks.


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