Reliquary Tower: A Late Night Player Podcast

After years of talking about doing it, we finally sat down last night and recorded a debut episode of a podcast for the channel.

My original plan for the Reliquary Tower podcast was to make a Commander-focused podcast. The problem is that there are so many fantastic channels out there that deal with Commander exclusively that I feared we’d get lost in the sea of content. So pivoting slightly, the show will be a love letter to our favorite type of tabletop games - trading card games.

There will still be a focus on Magic the Gathering, as that is our primary card game system at the moment. However, we’ll be covering the news and reviews for every trading card game we can get our hands on.

So please take a moment and check it out if you have the time!

Small note, there is a bit of an audio error about halfway through or so. It only lasts for a moment but I couldn’t edit it out with scrapping a massive chunk. It felt like a waste to toss it all out. So please bear with us as we figure this all out.


Extra Life 2023


Crossing The Grand Line