Dragon Turtle Painted: A Hobby Update

Hey there!

Sorry 2023 has been off to a quiet start. A combination of the my job and fighting a nasty bout of the flu has sort of knocked me on my butt. We still have so much planned that we are working on getting off the ground and I, personally, cannot wait for you all to see what we have in store.

Today, though, I wanted to share a little hobby update. One of my goals in 2023 was to paint more. I didn’t care if it was a singular model/bust or an entire army, I just want to slowly chip away at my “pile of shame” and embrace the more creative side of this industry. In between the aforementioned work and sickness, I managed to finish the Dragon Turtle from Steamforged Games today.


To say I had a blast painting this would be a severe understatement. When we reviewed the set last month, I don’t think I really had any intention of painting it. Don’t get me wrong, the set is a phenomenal product (read our review for more details!), and the entire Epic Encounter line is one that should be on anyone’s radar. I just personally find that fantasy isn’t in my wheel house when it comes to painting and the other various sides of this hobby. I am so glad I took a moment to paint this model and appreciate all the little details the sculptors put in that really made for one of the more fun painting experiences.

I painted this massive beast, affectionately nicknamed Samson around the offices, using a combination of Army Painter’s Warpaints and Speedpaints. They had sent us a copy of their Warpaints Mega Set and Speedpaints Starter Set for review and to be used as part of an upcoming project (stay tuned for that announcement later this week). I do not like to go into any project unprepared, and since my last experience with any sort of contrast paints was an abysmal failure, I wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting into. These paints really did not disappoint (more on that in the upcoming review).

Enough of my rambling though. I hope you all are having a wonderful start to your new year and working on whatever it is that makes you happy.

Until next time,



Gen Con 2023!


Happy New Year From The Late Night Players